AF Legal & Consulting Services Specializing in utility and energy issues; business and regulatory issues.
Activities have included:
- Successfully lobbied on behalf of business customers for additional protections under Oregon?;s energy deregulation bill, SB 1149; subsequently involved in the rules for implementation.
- Rate proceedings and administrative hearings at Bonneville Power Administration and Oregon Public Utility Commission and other administrative bodies; including the Bonneville Power and Transmission cases after and before FERC Orders 888 and 889 and 2000, the development of the regional transmission organization, and the Comprehensive Regional Review, and on the state level, development of rules for implementation of Oregon's deregulation bill.
- Developed successful strategy for annexation of major industrial customer into the service area of a publicly owned utility.
- Significant involvement in issues being addressed by Public agency and electric cooperatives in the Northwest.
- First line involvement in negotiation and development of contracts for services and supplies, including power sales agreements, equipment arrangements, and fuel and service contracts.
- Experienced in generation development including gas fired combustion turbines and revewables, and the new "expeditied" procedures for permitting and siting.